About the project

How can daycare facilities in multilingual areas become even better at supporting children’s language development? This is what we want to investigate in the Språksterk research project.

Språksterk is a development and research project led by the University of Oslo (UiO). We will investigate how daycare facilities in multilingual areas can support the language development for all children. Språksterk is a collaborative project between:

  • Daycare facility owners in five districts in Oslo
  • Pedagogical-psychological counseling service (PPT) in Oslo municipality
  • The Department of Education at UiO
  • The Norwegian Center for Science Education at UiO

Professor Veslemøy Rydland and Associate Professor Ratib Lekhal at the Department of Education are project managers. The five city districts are project owners.

Språksterk is aimed at all children aged one to six, the children’s parents, and the employees in the daycare facilities. The project is initiated based on needs that the districts themselves have identified. We want examine what kind of support the employees in the daycare facilities need in their work with language, and how they can collaborate with parents in ways that meet the different needs of the children.

The daycare facilities that have agreed to participate in the Språksterk project will be randomly divided into two groups. One of the groups will try out a more comprehensive model. In the project, we will gather information about the employees and the children in the daycare facilities.

The knowledge we gain in the project will be used to further develop a Språksterk-model that can benefit all daycare facilities. The project will then be continued by the participating districts, in collaboration with PPT.

Are you relevant as a participant in the project? Information for participants